Day 8
- Let's Talk About CSS
- Restaurante site/Portfolio
CSS: What's Important?
- What's the Cascade, anyway?
- What To Study:
- Practice, practice, practice...
- Work on Restaurante site
- If you finish the site...
- Send me pull request
- After it's approved, close your PR and delete your branch
Take Home
- Work on Restaurante site.
- Send your pull request to a collaborator.
- After, it's approved, close the PR and delete your branch.
- Import your repository to your personal Github account.
- Set up gh-pages branch for your site.
- Send me the link to the live site.
- Continue working on your portfolio site.
Quote of the Day
- “Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
- -John F. Woods