Day 9
- Psuedo Elements & Psuedo Selectors
- Restaurante site/Portfolio
Psuedo Classes
- Click here to review psuedo classes.
- Contact Forms :enabled, :disabled, :target
- :nth-child ... oh boy!
Psuedo Elements
- Click here to review psuedo elements.
- ::before & ::after
- psuedo element vs. psuedo class? Look!
In Class
- We need to address the menu section of the Restaraunte site.
- Let's use Bootstrap to help us dynamically change the menu with Toggleable Tabs.
- Now that that is taken care of, let's build our contact form and use some psuedo classes to style it up!
Take Home
- Continue working on your portfolio site
Quote of the Day
- “Give a man a program, frustrate him for a day. Teach a man to program, frustrate him for a lifetime.”
- -Waseem Latif