Day 6
- Flexbox in CSS Tricks
- Optional: clone this repository and experiment with Flexbox.
- Play Flexbox Froggy here
- Using the same repository as last class:
- Finish up index.html page and push to your branch
- Create a PR and tag me in it
- When I give the go-ahead, merge your PR and delete your branch
- Create a new branch
- In your new branch, create this pet store contact page.
- Create pull request
- Slack me the link to your pull request
- When you get the thumbs up, merge and delete your branch
Take Home
- Download Photoshop Free Trial here. Please have this done BEFORE class on day 7.
- Create gh-pages for your repository and send me the link to your live site
- Start coding your portfolio page. Use external resources for inspiration.
Quote of the Day
- “ Any code of your own that you haven't looked at for six or more months might as well have been written by someone else. ”
- -Eagleson's law