Day 7
- Photoshop
- Restaurante site
- Download Photoshop Free Trial here
- Photoshop tools
- Layers
- Channels
- Save image for web
Using Feature Branches
- One use for branches is to separate features.
- In the next project, we will use branches for each feature of the website.
- So for each section of the site, you will create a branch.
- Once you've finished a section, create a Pull Request. Tag a classmate to review your PR.
- Once your classmate approves your PR:
- merge your code,
- pull to master,
- and create a branch for the next section.
- Go to this Github repository
- Clone to your machine
- Create a new branch
- In your new branch, create this restaurante site
Take Home
- Continue working on your portfolio site
Quote of the Day
- “ Walking on water and developing software from a specification are easy if both are frozen. ”
- - Edward V Berard