Day 4


  • Bootstrap Helper Classes
  • Adding Contributors
  • Practice
  • Deep Dive Final Project (wireframe)

Bootstrap Helper Classes

Adding Contributors

  • If you want to add someone else on as a contributor to your projects, it's quite simple
  • Go to your repository on and click on the Settings tab
  • On the left, you will see a navigation menu. Click on Collaborators (you may need to reenter your password)
  • Type in the user name of the person you want to add
  • A dropdown will appear with the possible users. Select the user you want to add and click "Add Collaborator"
  • You're all done! Now you can tag that user in your PRs, assign them to issues, and chat with them directly from Github


  • Create a new repository on and clone it to your laptop
  • Set up the basic skeleton of your project (create index.html, css folder, js folder, css file, include Bootstrap, etc) and push this to
  • Create a new branch called practice and create this layout
  • When you are done; add, commit, and push your code.
  • Add me as a contributor and create a Pull Request. Make sure you tag me in the PR.
  • When I give the word, close your pull request and pull your code back to your local master branch.
  • Delete your practice branch both locally and on

Take Home

  • Publish to Github Pages for today's practice repository and send me the link
  • Create a wireframe for your final project

Quote of the Day

  • “ Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. ”
  • - Rick Cook