If you want to add someone else on Github.com as a contributor to your projects, it's quite simple
Go to your repository on github.com and click on the Settings tab
On the left, you will see a navigation menu. Click on Collaborators (you may need to reenter your password)
Type in the user name of the person you want to add
A dropdown will appear with the possible users. Select the user you want to add and click "Add Collaborator"
You're all done! Now you can tag that user in your PRs, assign them to issues, and chat with them directly from Github
Create a new repository on github.com and clone it to your laptop
Set up the basic skeleton of your project (create index.html, css folder, js folder, css file, include Bootstrap, etc) and push this to github.com
Create a new branch called practice and create this layout
When you are done; add, commit, and push your code.
Add me as a contributor and create a Pull Request. Make sure you tag me in the PR.
When I give the word, close your pull request and pull your code back to your local master branch.
Delete your practice branch both locally and on github.com
Take Home
Publish to Github Pages for today's practice repository and send me the link
Create a wireframe for your final project
Quote of the Day
“ Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. ”